9 Team roles according to management experts

If you move into the field of management and have some basic theoretical knowledge, these 9 roles were already created by British researcher and theorist Meredith Belbin, who created tests to help them, among other things, their distribution. Evaluate yourself on the test Based on your characteristics and strengths and weaknesses, it is clear which roles are best for you and which ones you should avoid, what role they play.dovednosti zaměstnanců

  1. Innovators

This type is creative and original. Already by that name, it is worth noting that he comes to the team with new ideas and solutions. In today\’s age of constantly evolving new trends and ideas, of course, he is an integral member of the team.

  1. Resource Searcher

As the name of the role suggests, this person is really passionate about finding new information, discovering new ideas, making new contacts and collaborations… The threat is that soon his initial enthusiasm for work disappears and we lose his interest.

  1. Coordinators

Coordinators can be considered “bosses” even if they are not officially leading the team. He is a strong-willed, self-confident person who can lead and motivate people. They feel the need for recognition and admiration. His weakness is that he tends to postpone unpleasant problems later.

  1. Team Workers

This type of employee is strongly directed at relationships within the team and their social aspects. This person has no need to dominate over others and tends to be popular and sociable. This role is essential, forming a group of workers, encouraging better performance, improving communication and promoting team spirit…

  1. Implementers

Implementers are a somewhat conservative personality type. He likes solid order, discipline and reliability. This person is necessary for the team for its organization, compliance with deadlines, etc. But his weakness can be maladaptation in inconvenient situations that are not subject to his planned ideas. He may also miss new ideas and practices.pracovní tým

  1. Evaluator

This role is again based on criteria and strategy. An evaluator is a person who performs an important check. It looks for errors and possible risks to prevent crises. The threat to this role is the willingness of other team members, or the wrong formulation of criticism.

  1. Finisher

The finisher is a conscientious perfectionist. His concern is to perform the task in due time. This person is very careful, but usually worry about things unnecessarily.

  1. Rectifier

The rectifier, or shaper, is like the right hand of the coordinator. In contrast, it is more systematic and rigorous, looking more at the set goals than the motivations of the workers. These two roles complement each other somewhat, and both are leading. The coordinator has a higher position.

  1. Experts

An expert, as the name of the role suggests, is an expert in a particular field. He is excellent in his theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
What is your role in the team? What role did you find?
